e-Commerce, Retail (Small Scale)

Architecture for building small e-commerce sites

About Architecture

In order to improve competitiveness in the e-commerce market, the cloud environment must be safe from security threats and be prepared for any unpredictable demands.  Since there are cases of the system being paralyzed due to high traffic which is several times higher than the normal time in merely 20-30 minutes during the time when a new product is released, prompt server extension and the balancing architecture to prepare for mass traffic must be configured. For this, traffic balancing and flexible infrastructure management are possible if you use the Auto Scaling and Multi Zone features of the cloud. You can also receive high quality cloud services based on the world-class security technology and reliability, which is the foundation of our global standard, if you are considering prompt extension throughout the world as well as in Korea.


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Use Cases and Effect

Prompt and Flexible Creation of Infrastructure
With the NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM, you can establish the infrastructure within several minutes when you need it, without any preparation. Unpredictable increases in user traffic can be flexibly and cost-effectively handled at all times through automatic extension and reduction with the Auto-Scaling feature.
Reasonable Cost
One of the key advantages of cloud is that effective cost management is possible. The infrastructure of the NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM is designed for optimal cost effectiveness for your business and you can manage your operational costs by paying based on your usage amount.
Scalability and Availability
In a cloud environment, you can flexibly respond to the growing service scale or suddenly increasing user connections. You can balance the load using a load balancer by scaling out the required resources such as by server or database, or respond to the unpredicted sudden demand with Auto Scaling.
Uses Global Region/Global CDN Services
Even when the number of foreign users is increased, you can plan for it and enter the global market quickly using the global network of the NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM. If you build a web proxy server in the global region or use the GCDN service, fast and stable transfer of contents is possible even overseas.
Safe Environment
On the NAVER CLOUD PLATFORM, all business applications are operated in a secure environment that leverages the many technologies of NAVER. This environment is not simply secure infrastructure, but also a protected system that is monitored continuously by security technology experts. NBP has received various Korean and international security certificates from authorized organizations.