• Continuous technological research for higher stability

    NAVER Cloud leverages the newest technologies to provide fast and stable storage. The Storage solutions help you efficiently manage large amounts of data by minimizing stored data and using tiered storage. With cache storage for global services, they also ensure fast and stable service, as well as reduce costs on overseas networks.

  • Optimal storage infrastructure

    NAVER Cloud provides storage infrastructure tailored to each of over 600 NAVER services. Deploy flash storage for services that require fast response speed and consistent performance, and software-defined storage for services that need low-speed, large storage space. Energy-efficient, high-density cold storage is also available for data archiving.

  • Reliable backups to protect against data loss

    NAVER Cloud’s backup policies protect your data against any disaster. Backups are carried out at both storage level and between datacenters. This enables data recovery even if the data stored in one place is destroyed, and therefore ensures maximum stability. NAVER Cloud regularly performs checks for backup consistency and validity, detecting in advance the risk of data loss and minimizing the impact.